

Publicații – în volume

1.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  The Extraordinary Funerary Stele of the verna of an eques Romanus from Troesmis, în: S.C. Ailincai, C. Micu, M. Mocanu, A. Stănică (eds.), Essays in Archaeology and Ancient History in Honor of Victor Henrich Baumann at his 80th anniversary, Cluj-Napoca: Editura MEGA, 2021, p. 191-220.

2.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  On the so-called ‘Danubian’ Mithraic reliefs from Moesia Inferior, în:  C. Bărbulescu (ed.), Roman Dacia and the Roman army. Papers presented to LiviuPetculescu on the occasion of his 75th birthday, British Archaeological Reports International Series, Oxford: British Archaeological Reports Publishing, 2022 (forthcoming).

Publicații – articole (ISI)

3.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  ‘I had a dream…’ – the dedication of an eques of the Ala I Dardanorum in the surroundings of Troesmis and the problem of the rural settlements in Northern Moesia inferior, Journal of Ancient History an Archaeology 8/4, 2021, 10-18, DOI: 10.14795/j.v8i4.689.

Publicații – articole (BDI)

4.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  Contribution on the Mithras/Sol iconography: the depiction of Mithras with radiate crown, Dacia NS 65, 2021 (in evaluation).

5.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  Roman funerary stelai from Moesia Inferior and their reuse as building material: the Sacidava case, Pontica 55, 2022 (in evaluation).


1.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  Roman Stone Monuments from North Dobruja, Romania: digital survey and historical-architectural interpretation of the Halmyris fortification, 26th Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Vienna, 2-4.11.2021.

2.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Baltres Albert, Olariu Bogdan, Monumenteromane din piatră din zona Dobrogei de Nord: studiu de cazfortificaţia de la Murighiol/Halmyris, SesiuneaInternațională PONTICA, Constanța, 17-19.11.2021. 3.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Sodoleanu Irina, Prochaska Walter, Edificiul Roman cu mozaic din Constanța: studiipreliminareasupradecorațiunilor din marmură, SesiuneaInternațională PONTICA, Constanța, 17-19.11.2021.


Publicații – în volume

1.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  Late Roman funerary monuments from Scythia, în: G. Kremer (ed.), Time(s) of transition and change. Proceedings of the 17th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art (în pregătire redacțională la Viena, Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften).

Publicații – articole (ISI)

1.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  Baltres Albert, Olariu Bogdan,  The first records on Late Roman and Byzantine fortifications on the Dunavățului Peninsula, Murighiol commune, Tulcea county (RO). Considerations on localization and used lithic materials, Journal of Ancient History an Archaeology 9/4, 2022 (în evaluare).

Publicații – articole (BDI)

2.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  Baltres, Albert, Roman stone monuments in Northern Dobruja, lithic materials and archaeological contexts: case study of the fortification of La Cetate, Murighiol commune, Tulcea county, Caiete ARA Arhitectură, Restaurare, Arheologie, 14, 2023 (în evaluare).

3.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta,  Mototolea Aurel, Potârniche Tiberiu, Sculptural and architectural finds recently discovered in the rescue archaeological excavations carried out at Tomis in the 2016 – 2019 campaigns, Caiete ARA Arhitectură, Restaurare, Arheologie, 14, 2023 (în evaluare).


1.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Monumente romane din piatră din zona Dobrogei de Nord, materiale litice și contexte arheologice:  studiu de caz fortificaţia din punctul La Cetate, com. Murighiol, jud. Tulcea, Simpozionul Internațional ARA 22, București, 5-7.05.2022.

2.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Mototolea Aurel, Potârniche Tiberiu, Piese sculpturale și de arhitectură descoperite recent în cercetările arheologice preventive efectuate la Tomis în campaniile 2016 – 2019, Simpozionul Internațional ARA 22, București,  5-7.05.2022.

3.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Late Roman funerary monuments from Scythia, 17th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art, Viena, 16-25.05.2022.

4.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Roman Sarcophagi in Moesia inferior: shape, material, iconography and context, Simpozionul internațional CONDITORIA PROVINCIARUM. ROMAN SARCOPHAGI IN THE PROVINCES. USE, MATERIALS, CONSERVATION AND VALORIZATION, organizat de universitățile din Trier și Barcelona la Trier, 15-17.09.2022.

5.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Baltres Albert, Roman Stone Monuments from Northern Dobruja (RO) – Petrological Characterization and Provenance Determination in a Historical Context, 13th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), Viena, 19-24.09.2022.

6.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Sodoleanu Irina, Prochaska Walter, The Marble decorations of the mosaic floored building in Tomi/Constanța (RO): Preliminary studies (poster), 13th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), Viena, 19-24.09.2022.

7.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Rusu-Bolindeț  Viorica, Marble finds from the Palace of the Consular Governor of the Three Daciae (praetorium consularis) at Apulum (Alba Iulia, RO): provenance, use and reuse (poster), 13th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), Viena, 19-24.09.2022.

8.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Murighiol Project: Overview and perspectives of the multidisciplinary approach to the strategic micro-region around ancient Halmyris, Al 7-lea Congres privind Antichitățile Mării Negre, Salonic, 26.09-02.10.2022 (poster)

9.            Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Despre decorul sculptural mobil al caselor tomitane. Un grup statuar descoperit recent la Constanța, Sesiunea internațională Pontica 55, Constanța, 16-18.11.2022.

10.          Kázmér Miklos, Gaidzik K., Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Sodoleanu Irina,  Halmyris and Tomis – victims to earthquakes in Antiquity,  Sesiunea internațională Pontica 55, Constanța, 16-18.11.2022.


Publicații – în volume

  1. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Sodoleanu Irina, Prochaska Walter, Anevlavi Vasiliki, The Marble decorations of the mosaic floored building in Tomi/Constanța (RO): Preliminary studies, în: Sabine Ladstätter, Walter Prochaska, and Vasiliki Anevlavi (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), Viena, 19-24.09.2022, Sonderschriften des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Viena, în curs de publicare (2024).
  2. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Baltres Albert, Roman Stone Monuments from Northern Dobruja (RO) – Petrological Characterization and Provenance Determination in a Historical Context, în: Sabine Ladstätter, Walter Prochaska, and Vasiliki Anevlavi (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), Viena, 19-24.09.2022, Sonderschriften des Österreichischen Archäologischen Instituts, Viena, în curs de publicare (2024).
  3. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Roman Sarcophagi in Moesia inferior: shape, material, iconography and context, în: Montserrat Clavería Nadal, Markus Trunk (eds.): Conditoria provinciarum. Roman sarcophagi in the provinces, Iberia Selecta Series, Stuttgart.
  4. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Baltres Albert, Olariu Bogdan, ‘Roman Stone Monuments from North Dobruja’ Project. Research Questions – Objectives – Preliminary results, în: Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu (ed.), Stone Monuments and Lithic building materials in the Roman provinces: Methodological Approaches on Provenance and Resources, Manufacturing, Supply, Use and Re-use. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Tulcea, 25-27.04.2023, Archaeopress, Oxford, în curs de publicare (2024).
  5. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, with contributions by Dobrogeanu Raluca, Dinu Monica, Ghervase Luminiţa, Colour traces on Roman monuments from Northern Moesia inferior, în: Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu (ed.), Stone Monuments and Lithic building materials in the Roman provinces: Methodological Approaches on Provenance and Resources, Manufacturing, Supply, Use and Re-use. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Tulcea, 25-27.04.2023, Archaeopress, Oxford, în curs de publicare (2024).
  6. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Marble provenance research for Roman monuments from the northern part of Moesia Inferior – the current state of the art, between real needs, interdisciplinary methodological possibilities and actual reality.  With contributions on marble provenance analyses by V. Anevlavi, W. Prochaska, J. Zöldföldi, în: Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu (ed.), Stone Monuments and Lithic building materials in the Roman provinces: Methodological Approaches on Provenance and Resources, Manufacturing, Supply, Use and Re-use. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Tulcea, 25-27.04.2023, Archaeopress, Oxford, în curs de publicare (2024).

Publicații – articole (BDI)

  1. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, The Roman cuirassed statue from Tyras, Dacia N.S. 67, 2023, sub tipar.
  2. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Return from the hunt: a re-discovered votive relief from northern Moesia Inferior, Studia Antiqua Archaeologica 29/2, 2023, în curs de publicare.
  3. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Baltres Albert, On the so-called aedicula-stelai from Moesia Inferior, prezentată pentru Peuce 2024.


  1. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Baltres Albert, Olariu Bogdan, ‘Roman Stone Monuments from North Dobruja’ Project. Research Questions – Objectives – Preliminary results, International Colloquium Stone Monuments and Lithic building materials in the Roman provinces: Methodological Approaches on Provenance and Resources, Manufacturing, Supply, Use and Re-use, Tulcea, 25-27.04.2023.
  2. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Colour traces on Roman monuments from Northern Moesia inferior, 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, Belfast, 30.08-02.09.2023, Session 30: Polychromy in practice – Casting colour onto Roman artworks.
  3. Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, On the iconography of old and new finds of reliefs depicting the Danubian Riders and the Thracian horseman from northern Moesia Inferior, International Workshop “Danubian Riders- Deconstruction of a religious assemblage”, Vienna, Austrian Archaeological Institute, 6th-7th November 2023.
  4. Olariu Bogdan, Alexandrescu Cristina-Georgeta, Toma Liviu, Istorii rescrise de la fostul mal al Mării Negre – noi mărturii geo-spaţiale despre situl arheologic de epocă romană târzie de la Dunavăţu de Sus, Seminariile, Timișoara, Universitatea de Vest, 24.11.2023.